Visceral Disorders
Visceral osteopathy is an expansion of the principles of osteopathy, which focuses on the understanding of the organs and their relation to both the circulatory system and the nervous system. This concept analyzes the relationship between the structure of the body and its organs, such as the digestive or respiratory systems. The goal of visceral treatment is to resolve imbalances and blockages in the movement of organs in relation to the structures of the body.
Health disorders, poor posture, inadequate diet or stress can cause our organs to accumulate tensions that can lead to referred 'viscero-somatic' pain An example of this, is the severe groin pain that often occurs when there is a kidney infection. In this case, treating the area where the pain is can be ineffective, while direct manipulation of the kidney can stimulate the healing response that will encourage the kidney to heal and thus reduce the pain.
Visceral treatment improves the movement of the digestive tract and the function of all the other abdominal organs. It also helps the respiratory system to function properly, which will affect the way your body functions in general.
Visceral osteopathy is commonly used to treat, but of course is not limited to:
- Swallowing difficulties
- Digestive problems
- Respiratory disorders such as asthma
- Endometriosis
- Infant colic
- Incontinence
- Back and neck pain
- Rib pain and rib cage restrictions
- Circulatory problems